
A 3D rendering engine written in Zig
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meshlets_adjacency.zig (13921B)

      1 const std = @import("std");
      2 const assert = std.debug.assert;
      4 const HalfEdgeMap = @import("half_edge_map.zig");
      5 const Mesh = @import("mesh.zig");
      7 const meshlets = @import("meshlets.zig");
      8 const ClusterDescriptor = meshlets.ClusterDescriptor;
      9 const ClusterMesh = meshlets.ClusterMesh;
     11 pub fn buildClusters(
     12     allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
     13     mesh: *const Mesh,
     14     max_vertices: u32,
     15     max_triangles: u32,
     16 ) !ClusterMesh {
     17     // Only triangle meshes are supported
     18     assert(mesh.indices.len % 3 == 0);
     19     // Must have at least one triangle
     20     assert(max_vertices >= 3);
     21     assert(max_triangles >= 1);
     23     // 'unused' tracks which vertices have not been used
     24     // unused[vtx_idx] = 1 -> not used
     25     // unused[vtx_idx] = 0 -> used
     26     const unused = try allocator.alloc(u8, mesh.positions.len);
     27     defer;
     28     @memset(unused, 1);
     30     const indices = try allocator.alloc(u32, mesh.indices.len);
     31     var descriptors = std.ArrayList(ClusterDescriptor).init(allocator);
     32     defer descriptors.deinit();
     34     var num_vertices: u32 = 0;
     35     var num_triangles: u32 = 0;
     36     var cluster_offset: u32 = 0;
     38     var map = try HalfEdgeMap.init(mesh.indices, allocator);
     39     var tri: [3]u32 = undefined;
     40     var adjacent = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);
     41     const usage = try buildUsageMap(mesh, allocator);
     43     for (0..mesh.indices.len / 3) |_| {
     44         // Fetch next triangle
     45         if (adjacent.items.len > 0) {
     46             var min_extra: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
     47             var min_score: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
     48             var idx_best: u32 = 0;
     49             const num_adjacent = adjacent.items.len / 3;
     50             for (0..num_adjacent) |triangle_idx| {
     51                 const i = @as(u32, @intCast(triangle_idx)) * 3;
     52                 const adj = [3]u32{
     53                     adjacent.items[i],
     54                     adjacent.items[i + 1],
     55                     adjacent.items[i + 2],
     56                 };
     58                 var extra: u32 = 1;
     59                 if (inSlice(u32, indices[cluster_offset..], adj[2])) {
     60                     extra = 0;
     61                 }
     63                 if ((usage[adj[0]] == 1) or (usage[adj[1]] == 1) or (usage[adj[2]] == 1)) {
     64                     extra = 0;
     65                 }
     67                 if (extra > min_extra) {
     68                     continue;
     69                 }
     70                 const score = usage[adj[0]] + usage[adj[1]] + usage[adj[2]] - 3;
     72                 if ((extra < min_extra) or (score < min_score)) {
     73                     min_extra = extra;
     74                     min_score = score;
     75                     tri = adj;
     76                     idx_best = i;
     77                 }
     78             }
     79             tri = [3]u32{
     80                 adjacent.items[idx_best],
     81                 adjacent.items[idx_best + 1],
     82                 adjacent.items[idx_best + 2],
     83             };
     84             _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
     85             _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
     86             _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
     87         } else {
     88             tri = map.pop();
     89         }
     90         const a = tri[0];
     91         const b = tri[1];
     92         const c = tri[2];
     93         usage[a] -= 1;
     94         usage[b] -= 1;
     95         usage[c] -= 1;
     97         // Triangles must be non-degenerate
     98         assert(a != b and a != c and b != c);
    100         // Vertices must be contained in the mesh
    101         const a_valid = a < mesh.positions.len;
    102         const b_valid = b < mesh.positions.len;
    103         const c_valid = c < mesh.positions.len;
    104         assert(a_valid and b_valid and c_valid);
    106         // Verify cluster has space
    107         const num_extra = unused[a] + unused[b] + unused[c];
    108         const too_many_vertices = num_vertices + num_extra >= max_vertices;
    109         const too_many_triangles = num_triangles >= max_triangles;
    110         if (too_many_vertices or too_many_triangles) {
    111             // Save cluster info
    112             try descriptors.append(.{
    113                 .offset = cluster_offset,
    114                 .num_vertices = num_vertices,
    115                 .num_triangles = num_triangles,
    116             });
    118             // Reset state for next cluster
    119             @memset(unused, 1);
    120             cluster_offset += num_triangles * 3;
    121             num_vertices = 0;
    122             num_triangles = 0;
    124             // Add all adjacent triangles back to the half-edge map
    125             for (0..adjacent.items.len / 3) |i| {
    126                 const idx = i * 3;
    127                 const adj = [3]u32{
    128                     adjacent.items[idx],
    129                     adjacent.items[idx + 1],
    130                     adjacent.items[idx + 2],
    131                 };
    132                 map.insert(adj);
    133             }
    134             adjacent.clearAndFree();
    135         }
    137         // Mark vertices as used
    138         unused[a] = 0;
    139         unused[b] = 0;
    140         unused[c] = 0;
    142         // Add triangle to cluster
    143         const offset = cluster_offset + num_triangles * 3;
    144         indices[offset] = a;
    145         indices[offset + 1] = b;
    146         indices[offset + 2] = c;
    148         num_vertices += num_extra;
    149         num_triangles += 1;
    151         // Get newly adjacent triangles
    152         for (0..3) |side| {
    153             const triangle = map.adjacentTo(tri, @intCast(side)) orelse {
    154                 continue;
    155             };
    156             try adjacent.appendSlice(&triangle);
    157             std.debug.assert(map.remove(triangle));
    158         }
    160         // If we're out of adjacent triangles, this cluster is done
    161         const no_more_adjacent = adjacent.items.len <= 0;
    162         if (no_more_adjacent) {
    163             // Save cluster info
    164             try descriptors.append(.{
    165                 .offset = cluster_offset,
    166                 .num_vertices = num_vertices,
    167                 .num_triangles = num_triangles,
    168             });
    170             // Reset state for next cluster
    171             @memset(unused, 1);
    172             cluster_offset += num_triangles * 3;
    173             num_vertices = 0;
    174             num_triangles = 0;
    175             continue;
    176         }
    177     }
    179     // Add final cluster
    180     if (num_triangles > 0) {
    181         try descriptors.append(.{
    182             .offset = cluster_offset,
    183             .num_vertices = num_vertices,
    184             .num_triangles = num_triangles,
    185         });
    186     }
    188     // Total size of mesh should not change
    189     assert(mesh.indices.len == cluster_offset + num_triangles * 3);
    191     return .{
    192         .positions = mesh.positions,
    193         .normals = mesh.normals,
    194         .tex_coords = mesh.tex_coords,
    195         .tangents = mesh.tangents,
    196         .bitangents = mesh.bitangents,
    197         .indices = indices,
    198         .descriptors = try descriptors.toOwnedSlice(),
    199     };
    200 }
    202 pub fn buildUsageMap(
    203     mesh: *const Mesh,
    204     allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
    205 ) ![]u32 {
    206     const num_vertices = mesh.positions.len;
    207     const map = try allocator.alloc(u32, num_vertices);
    208     @memset(map, 0);
    209     for (mesh.indices) |idx| {
    210         map[idx] += 1;
    211     }
    212     return map;
    213 }
    215 fn inSlice(comptime T: type, slice: []const T, item: T) bool {
    216     for (slice) |iter_item| {
    217         if (iter_item == item) {
    218             return true;
    219         }
    220     }
    221     return false;
    222 }
    224 //const ClusterOptions = struct {
    225 //    max_verts: u32,
    226 //    max_prims: u32,
    227 //};
    228 //
    229 //const ClusterDescriptor = struct {
    230 //    offset: u32,
    231 //    num_prims: u32,
    232 //    num_verts: u32,
    233 //};
    234 //
    235 //pub fn buildClusters(mesh: *const Mesh, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !void {
    236 //    const max_prims = 126;
    237 //    var offset: u32 = 0;
    238 //
    239 //    var map = try HalfEdgeMap.init(mesh.indices, allocator);
    240 //    var tri: ?[3]u32 = null;
    241 //
    242 //    var descriptors = std.ArrayList(ClusterDescriptor).init(allocator);
    243 //    // this holds offsets and counts for all clusters
    244 //
    245 //    const indices: []u32 = try allocator.alloc(u32, mesh.indices.len);
    246 //    // this holds the actual index data for all clusters
    247 //    // should be free'd by caller (eventually)
    248 //
    249 //    while (map.count() > 0) {
    250 //        if (tri == null) {
    251 //            tri = map.pop();
    252 //        }
    253 //        const cluster_end = @min(offset + max_prims * 3, mesh.indices.len);
    254 //        const cluster = indices[offset..cluster_end];
    255 //
    256 //        //result = try buildClusterFewest(allocator, &map, usage, tri.?);
    257 //        const result = try buildClusterSimple(
    258 //            allocator,
    259 //            &map,
    260 //            tri.?,
    261 //            cluster,
    262 //        );
    263 //        offset += result.descriptor.num_prims * 3;
    264 //        try descriptors.append(result.descriptor);
    265 //        tri =;
    266 //    }
    267 //"offset: {}", .{offset});
    268 //    std.debug.assert(offset == indices.len);
    269 //"num clusters: {}", .{descriptors.items.len});
    270 //}
    271 //
    272 //const ClusterResult = struct {
    273 //    descriptor: ClusterDescriptor,
    274 //    next: ?[3]u32,
    275 //};
    276 //
    277 //pub const Triangle = struct {
    278 //    a: u32,
    279 //    b: u32,
    280 //    c: u32,
    281 //
    282 //    pub fn permute(self: *const Triangle) Triangle {
    283 //        return .{ .a = self.b, .b = self.c, .c = self.a };
    284 //    }
    285 //
    286 //    pub fn reverse(self: *const Triangle) Triangle {
    287 //        return .{ .a = self.c, .b = self.b, .c = self.a };
    288 //    }
    289 //};
    290 //
    291 //fn buildClusterSimple(
    292 //    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
    293 //    map: *HalfEdgeMap,
    294 //    initial_triangle: [3]u32,
    295 //    cluster: []u32,
    296 //) !ClusterResult {
    297 //    const max_prims = 126;
    298 //
    299 //    var vertices = std.AutoHashMap(u32, void).init(allocator);
    300 //    var adjacent = std.ArrayList(Triangle).init(allocator);
    301 //    var tri: ?Triangle = .{
    302 //        .a = initial_triangle[0],
    303 //        .b = initial_triangle[1],
    304 //        .c = initial_triangle[2],
    305 //    };
    306 //
    307 //    var idx: u32 = 0;
    308 //    while (idx < max_prims * 3) {
    309 //        // Add the most recent triangle to the cluster
    310 //        cluster[idx] = tri.?.a;
    311 //        cluster[idx + 1] = tri.?.b;
    312 //        cluster[idx + 2] = tri.?.c;
    313 //        //@memcpy(cluster[idx .. idx + 3], &tri.?);
    314 //        try vertices.put(tri.?.a, {});
    315 //        try vertices.put(tri.?.b, {});
    316 //        try vertices.put(tri.?.c, {});
    317 //        idx += 3;
    318 //
    319 //        // Get newly adjacent triangles
    320 //        for (0..3) |side| {
    321 //            const triangle = map.adjacentTo(tri.?, @intCast(side)) orelse {
    322 //                continue;
    323 //            };
    324 //            try adjacent.append(triangle);
    325 //            std.debug.assert(map.remove(triangle));
    326 //        }
    327 //        if (adjacent.items.len <= 0) {
    328 //            tri = null;
    329 //            break;
    330 //        }
    331 //
    332 //        // Oldest adjacent triangle is up next
    333 //        tri = [3]u32{
    334 //            adjacent.items[0].a,
    335 //            adjacent.items[0].b,
    336 //            adjacent.items[0].c,
    337 //        };
    338 //        _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(0);
    339 //    }
    340 //
    341 //    // Add all adjacent triangles back to the half-edge map
    342 //    for (adjacent.items) |adj_tri| {
    343 //        //const adj = [3]u32{ adj_tri.a, adj_tri.b, adj_tri.c };
    344 //        map.insert(adj_tri);
    345 //    }
    346 //    if (tri != null) {
    347 //        const triangle = .{
    348 //            .a = tri.?[0],
    349 //            .b = tri.?[1],
    350 //            .c = tri.?[2],
    351 //        };
    352 //        map.insert(triangle);
    353 //    }
    354 //
    355 //    return .{
    356 //        .descriptor = .{
    357 //            .offset = undefined,
    358 //            .num_prims = idx / 3,
    359 //            .num_verts = vertices.count(),
    360 //        },
    361 //        .next = null, //tri,
    362 //    };
    363 //}
    364 //
    365 //fn buildClusterFewest(
    366 //    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
    367 //    map: *HalfEdgeMap,
    368 //    usage: []u32,
    369 //    initial_triangle: [3]u32,
    370 //) !ClusterResult {
    371 //    var cluster = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);
    372 //    var adjacent = std.ArrayList(u32).init(allocator);
    373 //    var tri: ?[3]u32 = initial_triangle;
    374 //    while (cluster.items.len < 126 * 3) {
    375 //        // Add the most recent triangle to the cluster
    376 //        try cluster.appendSlice(&tri.?);
    377 //
    378 //        // Get newly adjacent triangles
    379 //        for (0..3) |side| {
    380 //            const triangle = map.adjacentTo(tri.?, @intCast(side)) orelse {
    381 //                continue;
    382 //            };
    383 //            try adjacent.appendSlice(&triangle);
    384 //            std.debug.assert(map.remove(triangle));
    385 //        }
    386 //        if (adjacent.items.len <= 0) {
    387 //            tri = null;
    388 //            break;
    389 //        }
    390 //
    391 //        var min_extra: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
    392 //        var min_score: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32);
    393 //        var idx_best: u32 = 0;
    394 //        const num_adjacent = adjacent.items.len / 3;
    395 //        for (0..num_adjacent) |triangle_idx| {
    396 //            const i = @as(u32, @intCast(triangle_idx)) * 3;
    397 //            const adj = [3]u32{
    398 //                adjacent.items[i],
    399 //                adjacent.items[i + 1],
    400 //                adjacent.items[i + 2],
    401 //            };
    402 //
    403 //            var extra: u32 = 1;
    404 //            if (inSlice(u32, cluster.items, adj[2])) {
    405 //                extra = 0;
    406 //            }
    407 //
    408 //            if ((usage[adj[0]] == 1) or (usage[adj[1]] == 1) or (usage[adj[2]] == 1)) {
    409 //                extra = 0;
    410 //            }
    411 //
    412 //            if (extra > min_extra) {
    413 //                continue;
    414 //            }
    415 //            const score = usage[adj[0]] + usage[adj[1]] + usage[adj[2]] - 3;
    416 //
    417 //            if ((extra < min_extra) or (score < min_score)) {
    418 //                min_extra = extra;
    419 //                min_score = score;
    420 //                tri = adj;
    421 //                idx_best = i;
    422 //            }
    423 //        }
    424 //        _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
    425 //        _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
    426 //        _ = adjacent.orderedRemove(idx_best);
    427 //        usage[tri.?[0]] -= 1;
    428 //        usage[tri.?[1]] -= 1;
    429 //        usage[tri.?[2]] -= 1;
    430 //    }
    431 //    const num_adjacent = adjacent.items.len / 3;
    432 //    for (0..num_adjacent) |triangle_idx| {
    433 //        const i = @as(u32, @intCast(triangle_idx)) * 3;
    434 //        const adj = [3]u32{
    435 //            adjacent.items[i],
    436 //            adjacent.items[i + 1],
    437 //            adjacent.items[i + 2],
    438 //        };
    439 //        map.insert(adj);
    440 //    }
    441 //"cluster size: {}", .{cluster.items.len / 3});
    442 //    return .{
    443 //        .cluster = cluster,
    444 //        .next = tri,
    445 //    };
    446 //}